Monday, June 26, 2006

Way to Go!

The Workout:
REST-- biked to school (20 min)

I was going to walk around Papago Park this evening with Hubster but opted out of it since I was still pretty sore from some lunges and leg lifts that I did after my run the other night. So, I stayed in for the evening and headed to Micheals to get some yarn. I started on a baby afghan (crochet) for my future niece or nephew who is arriving in mid-September.

Today felt like a great day for reading about running accomplishments. Jack just ran his first 50-miler and I'm still in awe of his accomplishment. Yesterday, I recieved an email from my sister with some photos of her first marathon. Today, she sent me the link to her short online entry about the experience.

She was a part of Team in Training and they ran the Mayor's Midnight Sun Marathon in Alaska. She managed to finish in 4:14:45. Excellent time if I do say so myself. What knocked my socks off was the fact that she wore her hair in a tsiiyeel, which is a knot-like bun that traditional Navajo men and women wear. It is like a figure eight and the middle is usually wrapped and tied with a grip of white yarn. You can kinda see in the photo.

I guess I am going to do the same thing when I run my first marathon. :)

She is, indeed, an amazing person. I look up to her alot.


At 4:08 AM, Blogger Jack said...

Wow that's cool about your sister, the traditional tsiiyeel hairstyle and the amazing marathon time! Please extend my congratulations.

I have heard from a couple people that lunges and leg lifts are good for strengthing the legs - do you find them beneficial?

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Uncle Rico said...

Wow...that is cool. I came across some pictures from the '05 half marathon here in phoenix and there was a Navajo runner that ran in mocassins. I was really impressed with that, running 13.1 miles in mocassins.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger psbowe said...

It's always inspiring to read about other's achievements.

That Karletta is a sure go-getter! She's amazing, running with a hair bun like that. I don't think I could...

At 10:35 AM, Blogger ! said...

How motivating....I see where you get your motivation from. Her pictures were fun to look at.. it's good to hear that your training is going well. I need to get to lifting...but too chicken cause I think i'll drop the bar on my face...hahahaa I need a lifting partna! mainly for support.. :) any suggestions for when I'm working on that on my own??

At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first marathon was the Anchorage marathon and I swear it is the best marathon to run. Congrats to your sistera and enjoy your rest.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger carmen said...

Jack: Sunday was my first day of getting back into doing lunges, squats, and leg lifts. I'll have to wait about another month to see what improvements I have in my running form. However, I am doing them to get back into some jeans I "grew"out of. lol

Uncle Rico: That's cool too! Mocassins. I wonder why I didn't think of that too.

Trish: Sorry, I don't know about lifting. I usually used free weights (dumbbells) for strength training. So once you become'll have to show me.

Bella and Nicole: Thanks!!


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