Thursday, July 13, 2006

the beginning of starting again

First off, I just want to thank those who stopped by and left good messages that wished a speedy recovery from the bike wreck. Thanks!

I had lunch with my best friend JC the other day and apparently, he had once gotten into a wreck with his bike on the way to campus too. So he told me to expect to wake up with soreness the next morning which was exactly what happened. I was as sore as a mutha this morning. I thought about hopping on the transit bus to campus but ended up riding my bike. Yay brave Carmen! I rode much slower though.

So I was counting the number of weeks I have until the marathon and I have approximately 27 weeks, more or less. No sense in beginning the Higdon 18 wk plan until the last week of August so I decided to work on my 5k training until I near the first week of September. Then I will switch over to the marathon plan.

I've been getting magazines of Her Sports + Fitness in the mail over the past couple of months. I suppose the free issues came as a perk of one of the races I entered last year. It's a very good magazine that provides us regular everyday women with athletic female role models such as Lokelani McMicheal, who by the way is my new inspiration (along with Lance Armstrong).

In the most recent issue there was a plan for a better 5k. It lasts for 8 weeks and provides enough intensity for me to improve my fitness, stamina, and time without burning out. So i thought, What the heck! I'll try this.

As soon as I made up my mind, I went to work on an Excel spreadsheet to create a running schedule calendar for this month with a check off slot under each day. Today was Cross-Training day (60 min) or I had the option of running 45 minutes, easy.

The Workout
Running Mileage: 3.1 miles
Bike ride: 10 min ea x 2

I was not able to run the full 45 minutes because you know...I had to consider that I almost broke my bones the other day! haha I thought a 30 min run was appropriate. I also included the bike ride to and from school, 20 minutes. That should be enough.

Here are my lap times:
mile 1: 9:52
mile 2: 9:45
mile 3: 10:15

I was going to walk after 2 miles to catch my breath but ended up slowing down to a trot. That explains the slow mile 3 time. I'm trying to stay consistant with each mile time but I find it hard to run slow for the first 2 miles. My goal is 10:05 miles. Ah well. I'll return to that problem after I start the marathon program.

for now I suppose the faster times are acceptable given I'm under a 5k program now.

Well, I gotta get to bed now. Adios folks and happy trails.

P.S. The heat was brutal tonight. I ran at 10 pm and it was still hotter than a mofo!


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Uncle Rico said...

Wow...starting to become a workout machine! Lokelani McMicheal, seen an episode about her on FitTv and she was discussing her training on triathlon. The show was awesome, some of those triathletes are cardio machines.


At 10:53 AM, Blogger Dubs said...

Good run, especially after the spil you took. Don't forget to take some Advil for the next day or so to help with swelling. Riding your bike was a good idea (as long as you don't fall) because it should help get things moving some... and that helps with blood flow which I would think should help a lot.

I'm interested to hear what you think of your new workout. I think it is neat to find new plans to try. I hope it works well for you! Good job today - getting out there even though you hurt!

At 4:09 PM, Blogger MNFirefly said...

Good job on the run today. Hopefully I see "meet" you when I head to Phoenix for P.F. Chang's - doing the FULL marathon too for the 2nd time. Only 27 weeks away - OMG!

At 8:15 PM, Blogger carmen said...

Thanks for the link, Uncle Rico and imagining myself as a workout machine gives me goosebumps. haha I just hope I don't get so absorbed that I become a scary female body builder. haha

Dusty, I haven't iced my arm yet but I'll do that tonight. I am noticing a film of mucus over the deepest part of the scrape but it's not a gross kind of oozy nor does it hurt so I'm assuming the skin is regenerating there. BTW, are you a health specialist of some sort? You're so knowledgeable!

Firefly--What wave gate did you enter the race in last time? Maybe we'll bump into each other in the same gate! I'm expecting a finish time of anywhere near 4:45 - 5 hours.

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Phil said...

Nice run. I can't imagine getting out of bed after taking a spill like yours. Nothing wrong with jogging in the last mile.

Best of luck on your prep for your next 5k. Hope your not as sore on Friday.


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