Friday, July 14, 2006

somebody HOSE ME DOWN!!

The Workout

I'm seriously really IRRITATED right now.

Hell, I've been crabby all day long man! Why?
It was stinkin' 113 F today and maybe even slightly higher in some areas. Shit, I felt it when I rode to school and when I was mulling around doing errands in town.

I'm the type of person who tries my best to withstand the heat as best I can. I feel like a wimp if I have to withdraw from the heat and be a whiny little baby about it. But Today? I felt downright bitchy but I kept it to myself. However, Hubster got the bad end of it later in the evening when I felt like the apartment wasn't cooling down and I had to walk back and forth to our laundry facility to do some loads.

I was preparing to do an early AM run for an hour tomorrow but considering that it's 10:30 pm right now and about 105F (!!) I'm not going to take my chances outdoors. I'm headed to the gym to do a treadmill workout.

When I was younger I was always in and out of the ER because of slight heat stroke or dehydration. Me and IV bags were like this...*crosses fingers*. The last thing I need to be doing is hooked up in a hospital when I've got studying to do for an exam next week!

My gosh! I really feel for the homeless folk here. I hope they find decent shelter and decent AC over the next couple of days. I'm sure I have experienced hotter temps but it feels like the hottest day I've survived that I can remember.


However, it could be worse.
It could be not only over a hundred early tomorrow morning but it could also be bloody humid as well!


At 7:41 AM, Blogger Phil said...

Needless to say, I feel your pain. I got up this morning, trudged through 7 miles (4 before the sun came up). Felt like a slug on every mile except mile 5. Everyone is still asleep at home, so I'm turning my fan to HIGH and going back to bed.

BTW ... you asked why you haven't heard anything about Mr. Coyote in a while. The coyote hangs out in the Reach 11 recreational area between Loop 101 and the CAP near Scottsdale Road. I haven't run on the Reach 11 trails for weeks. I can't get through 12 miles without a water break in this heat, so I've just been running loops near my house. I'll go back out and find him when the morning temperatures drop 10 degrees.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Dubs said...

Go to the movies... I always freeze in there!!

Take care of yourself and drink lots of water!

At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


of course, it could be that hot, and humid, and you could have swamp cooling

~says angie, lying supine on the couch, attempting to not move a muscle in order to stay sweat-free.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger MNFirefly said...

113?! OMG! Now I will not bitch about hitting 100 today. I could not stand another 10 or so more degree today - NO WAY! Take it easy and drink up the fluids.

At 8:26 PM, Blogger carmen said...

Phil, I just have to say, you are indeed a brave man.

Dusty, thanks for the suggestion. I reveled in the AC at the theater today. Ahhhh divine.

Angie, I felt my skin crawl when I read "swamp cooling". heh

firefly--100 is still stinkin' hot! Global warming SUCKS!!

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Uncle Rico said...

I might just become a bubble boy!


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