Monday, January 08, 2007

more 'woe is me' crap

Went to the gym yesterday afternoon after having breakfast solo at Denny's and slaving over laundry.

I'm gradually building up my time on the elliptical trainer. I forget how difficult it can be sometimes. Elliptical time: 31 min. Incline Treadmill (walking): 15 min. Reclining bike: 15 min.

I was walking at a slow pace of about 3.2-3.4 on the treadmill with an incline of 6-7.0. Every 4 minutes, I would lessen the incline to 2.0 for about 2-3 minutes. I thought that this would help stretch my fascia. Now I think that was a bad idea. Mind you, I DID stretch before I got on the treadmill.

After I got home, my arch was hurting more than it normally does after the gym. There was tightness on the left part of the top of my foot (where I felt initial shooting pain during the 30k.) It's a noticeable ache where I have to massage and ice.

I thought I'd give an update on the pain: I hardly feel anything in my actual heel. It's always near the top of my foot and directly under my arch or near the instep. I don't have pain when I wake up in the morning either. While I can feel an ache when I generally walk around, the pain increases when I walk for more than 10 minutes or so. Anymore than 45 minutes of standing and walking and it heats up or throbs.

I don't think it's so much plantar fasciitis anymore.

This is really frustrating me because I can't seem to get an answer I can work with from the doctors I've seen. I feel like my only choices for treatment is going to an actual orthopedic doctor which means I have to go to Albuquerque or Flagstaff now.

Do you think treatment from an acupuncture therapist or a chiropractor would help? (I feel like I have built up pressure in my foot.)


UPDATE: I scheduled an appointment with a Podiatrist in Flagstaff who specializes in Sports Medicine. It's next Tuesday though. Still, I'm feeling more optimistic about this already.


At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouchie! So sorry to hear about your foot injury. Have you tried any type of insoles just to see if it makes any difference? Also maybe see a foot specialist to get fitted for orthotics.
Wish you a speedy recovery Carm.


At 12:01 PM, Blogger teacherwoman said...

In regards for pilates...I love it! I did it religiously for a couple months a few years ago when preparing for a spring break trip and was impressed with a flat stomach.

I have only just started it, but already feel as if my core (stomach) area is stronger. They say that it helps with flexability and strength which are both necessary for runners. I like it becuase while getting an abs, buns, and legs workout, I am also stretching the muscles in my legs and arms! I feel as if I sit up straighter and walk taller.


At 12:35 PM, Blogger J~Mom said...

I am so sorry your foot is still bothering you. It really sounds like we have a similar problem but mine is on the top or sometimes even the outer edge of my foot. I am really suspecting a ligament/tendon at this point. It is so terrible to have this activity that you love so much and can't do. I really understand!! I hope the podiatrist can help!

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Deene said...

you gotta love Happy Bunny, I have one of those above my desk that says "I'm not mean. You're just a sissy."
i hope the podiatrist can help figure out what's hurting you. good luck.

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Dubs said...

Sounds like you are doing the right thing with that appointment. I would never rule out a chiropractor or anything like that -- as long as you realzie they can't cure everything - sometimes, there is a lot they can do. I bounced around for months in high school - drs said one leg was longer than the other (freaked my Mom since my sister actually had that problem) - but my pelvis was just twisted - chiro adjusted. Caused my metatarsal arch to fall. Never hurts to check out more than one option.

Going to sports medicine is a VERY good idea.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger MNFirefly said...

Do the accupuncture!! It will really help with the pain.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger The Evernoter said...

I had a similar foot problem, which started like Plantar and ended up being a problem with the tendon running behind the ankle. You might be able to tell if you can feel a "nodule" in the tendon by putting your finger in the place where it hurts and stretching the foot - toes to shin then toes pointing, repeatedly. If you've damaged the tendon, you might feel the calcification as a little lump passing up and down under your fingertips.

If this is the case, RICE plus ultrasound twice a week for a month might do the trick at breaking down the bad bits that have accumulated there. Ultrasound worked on my achilles when I had the same thing there 2 years ago.

However - big pinch of salt! Remote diagnostics on feet is rarely accurate. Get the professional opinion! Hope it improves soon.



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