Monday, December 18, 2006

just when you think you've cleared a hurdle

ok, now i'm starting to freak out!

i think i may have sprained my foot. the left side looks a tad swollen but it may just be me being paranoid. i've noticed that when i try to ignore the pain and walk normally, the area that hurts the most heats up really fast.

i'm not sure how long i should let my foot be before i have to get it checked out by the doctor. i'm sorta glad that i haven't made any commitments to the big marathon such as announcing to the world that i'm raising money for the eastern navajo child drive by way of our local newspapers or have even paid my marathon fee.

still, i'll be bummed that i won't be able to give myself that birthday present of running a marathon days after ive turned 25.

tomorrow i will begin icing my foot, avoiding any unnecessary walking, and will compress the area with an elastic bandage. if anyone has any other suggestions on how to heal and deal--please let me know.


i think it may be a metatarsal stress injury...feels like the second or fifth...i can't tell. shit.


At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOO! Carmen, not so close the big day. Get to a doctor - PRONTO! ICE, ICE, and MORE ICE.

At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calm down. Get it checked out. You will be fine! But if it hurts to run don't do it - its not worth it.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Deene said...

elevate foot and lots of ice. see a doctor (not at IHS). now that you put it out there, those kids are counting on you. :)

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh no! i'm so sorry, the ice, elevate and see a doc. is good advice

At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't panic! Don't panic! RICE, doctor, all the other advice.


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